r0hanSH (CLS)

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Nullcon 2019 - CAT challenge


Due to some personal reasons, I could not play the CTF for whole 36 hours. But somehow I managed to get first blood on “cat” challenge (Forensics).

We were given a file called “final”

localhost@red:~/Desktop/nullcon/cat$ file final
final: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, with no line terminators

Let’s open the file. You will see a lot of cats. So what it is? After some research, I came to know it’s an esoteric language called “unicat”

😻😹😸🙀😹😹😻😻🙀😹😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀😹😽😸🙀😹😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀😹😼😿🙀😹😽😼😸🙀🙀😻😹😸🙀 ...

So now the question is “how to see this content in ASCII text?”. Let’s see who created this language and I found a github repo

Let’s analyse the “cat.py” file in that github repo. It converts unicat code to plain ASCII text. Here ‘x’ file in screenshot, contains a simple “Hello, World!” program. I will tell you why I created it.


See the difference between both the outputs. This means “final” has something wrong with it. Now I have two choices :

  1. Learn unicat. See how “cat.py” actually works.
  2. See the difference between “Hello, World!” program and “final”

I went with second choice. In “cat.py”, you will see a list called “ins”. Let’s print its content for both the programs. For final, see above picture

For Hello, World!


So do you see any difference here? This is just implementing simple things like assignment, printing etc.

After some research, I got to know that ‘diepgrm’ tells the program to end. So you see (‘diepgrm’,) is present at index 1 of ‘ins’ list in “final”. So let’s change its position and run the following code.

import sys, random

ins = [('inputst',1),('asgnlit', 1, 1),('asgnlit', 4, 1),('asgnlit', 10, 7),('echoval', 2),('pointer',4,4),('echoval',4),('applop+', 10, 1),('echoval',10),('asgnlit', 2, 72),('applop*', 2, 10),('echoval',2),('asgnlit', 0, 108), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 108), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 65), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 119), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 69), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 115), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 48), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 109), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 69), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 95), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 67), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 64), ('echovar', 0),('asgnlit', 0, 84), ('echovar', 0), ('diepgrm',)]

while True:
    try: it = ins[mem[-1]]
    except IndexError: it = ("asgnlit",-1,-1)
    if it[0] == "diepgrm":
    if it[0] == "pointer":
    if it[0] == "randomb":
    if it[0] == "asgnlit":
    if it[0] == "jumpif>" and mem.get(it[1],0) > 0:
    if it[0] == "applop+":
    if it[0] == "applop-":
    if it[0] == "applop/":
    if it[0] == "applop*":
    if it[0] == "echovar":
    if it[0] == "echoval":
    if it[0] == "inputst":
        inp = sys.stdin.readline()
        for k in range(it[1],it[1]+len(inp)):
localhost@red:~/Desktop/nullcon/cat$ python cat.py 

Remove initial ‘11’ from output. It happened due to “(‘inputst’,1)”.

FLAG: hackim19{018576llAwEs0mE_C@T}