r0hanSH (CLS)

Hello friend, I made this blog to document my journey into infosec. It includes my CTF writeups, bugs I found in real-world applications, some tips and much more.

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Malware Traffic Analysis Exercise (StingrayAhoy)


I got this malware traffic exercise from malware-traffic-analysis.net. I opened the file in wireshark and applied the “http.request” filter.


Let’s export the http objects and analyse them.


Second http object pointing to hostname ljeffery54ae.top seems red flag to me. I uploaded the hash to virustotal.com and yes it’s a malware.



Now, let’s see who is infected with this malware and what does it do. I see PC with IP “” downloaded the malware and then I applied filter “bootp and ip.src==” and got the following results :


So the host name is “Seoul-4a67-PC”.